Wednesday 12 November 2014


We have started swimming in Room 2 and love the time that we have in the pool.  We have been practicing our freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Some of us need the flutter boards to help to stay afloat but all of us can put our heads under water.  We enjoy making a whirlpool at the end of our lesson but when Mrs Garner asks us to change direction, our legs really feel it.  Here are a few photos of us in the pool!

Wednesday 5 November 2014

What we do in the library

During our library time we like to read, we do reading with our teacher and we research information related to our topic.  Janine has a booklet for each of us with activities to do.  This term we are finding out information related to systems.  We love it and here are the photos that we have taken.


We have been learning about height.  We had to get into a line from shortest to tallest without talking.  We had to use our other senses to find out who went where. 

Monday 3 November 2014


We have been doing length using standard and non standard units. Here are some of the photos.
Hi and welcome back to Term 4
This year has gone really fast.
There are a few reminders of the term.
1. Swimming starts Monday 3rd November. If your child is unable to swim can you please send a note to school explaining why.  Please let me know if you are able to help.
2. Our Christmas concert is on Wednesday 10th December.
3. There will be a trip for us but I will send out details later on in the term.
4. Children need to wear their sunhat everyday.

We have lots of exciting things happening this term so busy, busy, busy.  Our topic is about different systems. Our art is collage and we have already made gorgeous volcanoes. In maths we have been doing work around measurement - length, weight and temperature.  The class have really enjoyed this.
Please remind your children to complete their home learning and return books back to school.

Angela Garner

The Bear Necessities

Room 2 had an awesome time at the concert.  We enjoyed making our props and costumes and learning our song.  We would like to thank the helpers who came to school and helped with our props etc and to the parents that supplied costumes for us.  We would like to say a special thank you to Kirsty who helped us heaps with costumes, props and face painting.
Here are some of the photos from the rehearsal. Enjoy!